This morning I had a session with a client. I wasn't really paying attention as it was Saturday morning - just sure to get to the session on time! I started clearing off the desk where I sit for all of my readings and took special notice of a little glass stone with a yellow bird on it that I was...
Hi Everyone -
I wanted to share this message with today as it keeps coming up in readings - and when that happens I know that it needs to be shared!
When I do Angel Sessions I usually pull a card before the session to see what the focus might be and what I need to share before we get...
Today is the Full Moon in Pisces. I have been feeling this energy for a few days and have been pretty tuned in to "energy". I have been thinking about things that I've been holding on to for years - things I need to forgive myself or others for, which makes sense as the full moon in Pisces is...
Hi Everyone! I wanted to share a reading for the group for the New Moon in Cancer!
Cancer is a sign of about the people and places that make us feel at home. It is that sense of security and stability, establishing our roots and creating a place where we can feel safe enough to be vulnerable and...
I thought I would do a reading for the Last Quarter Moon today and share it with everyone!
The Last Quarter Moon is that last push towards bringing the dream/goal that we set with the New Moon (approximately 3 week ago) into fruition! It is a time to look at what your goal was,...
New Moon Reading - April 7th
The New Moon (in Taurus) falls really late tonight (at 11:21pm Eastern/8:21pm Pacific) so I thought I would share a New Moon Reading that I did for myself last night and was told I could share it with others as today's message.
The New Moon in practical Taurus is...
I recently completed a class with Sara Landon and one of the principles that she discussed was allowing things to be effortless. Follow the joy, the inspiration, and let that lead you to where you need to go. We usually live the exact opposite way! We tend to struggle, push, shove, force...
Hi Everyone! One of my goals is to be more consistent with blog posts and podcasts this year, so here I am sharing about signs and synchronicities that have happened to me recently!
This morning I had several "God-incidences" that I couldn't dismiss (I think it was my friend Jenny...
Embracing Faith: Release Fear and Doubt to Live Your Dreams
As we go through this crazy journey of life, we often encounter moments of fear and doubt that can stop us in our tracks. Instead of staying in the flow of the Universe, allowing yourself to take that next step forward, so many...
Hello Everyone! I wrote an article for a newsletter recently and thought I would share it in a blog post since I hadn't posted one in a while! I shared information about Archangel Chamuel, whose name means “He Who Sees God”. Chamuel is known as the Eyes of God and helps to bring...
Have you ever had news that something you anticipated or counted on happening had fallen through or wasn't moving forward?
Last week I found out a full time position I had been waiting for months (7 actually) was not going to move forward. This was just the last of many delays and...