Last Quarter Moon Reading in Pisces (May 30, 2024)

May 30, 2024

I thought I would do a reading for the Last Quarter Moon today and share it with everyone! 

The Last Quarter Moon is that last push towards bringing the dream/goal that we set with the New Moon (approximately 3 week ago) into fruition! It is a time to look at what your goal was, what you accomplished, if it is still in alignment and what it might take for you to bring it into reality. It is a time that our Ego might be getting in the way and you may feel discouraged, so it is important to connect with Gratitude and acknowledge, even celebrate, the things that you did accomplish toward meeting your goal instead of bemoaning the things that haven't happened (yet!).

Today I pulled three cards, each representing a question I asked.

1) What lessons or insights can I gain from reflecting on the experiences of this lunar cycle?

2) What aspects of my life or self are ready to be released or transformed in order to make way for new opportunities and growth?

3) How can I best prepare myself energetically and emotionally for the next lunar cycle and the opportunities it may bring?

So let's look at each question/card! I am using Radleigh Valentine's Angel Wisdom Tarot for this reading.

1) What lessons or insights can I gain from reflecting on the experiences of this lunar cycle?

I pulled The Page of Fire, which indicates that whatever goal you set was something that you were quite passionate about and you should reconnect with that energy if it has waned as you went through the month. Remember why you set the goal and do not give up if it still resonates with you. Do not let the Ego or roadblocks stop you from moving forward. Instead try to see alternative ways or even alter your path slightly if you feel there is a better way to accomplish your goal.

2) What aspects of my life or self are ready to be released or transformed in order to make way for new opportunities and growth?

I pulled the Wheel for this question, which means that things are about to move forward. Sometimes when things are not moving forward how we hoped or planned them to, we need to look at it differently and we are given the opportunity to pause instead of us being stuck. There is a big difference - and the Wheel indicates that while things may have been on pause, they are going to be moving forward very soon if you can change your perspective!

3) How can I best prepare myself energetically and emotionally for the next lunar cycle and the opportunities it may bring?

For this question we have the King of Fire - so the best way to prepare for the upcoming month and moving forward is to remember your strength and much like the Page of Fire - remember the passion that you had for the project/goal that you are working towards so you can get back to work. This is also a card of Leadership - so do not worry as much about other people's input or feel that you have to incorporate it into your plans. And especially to not let other people questioning the validity or worth of what you are doing stop you from continuing forward!

So in the next few days try to reconnect with the feeling and emotion of why you wanted to do create whatever it is you are working towards so you can let that fuel you to move forward! Fear and doubt are just illusions - push through them and trust that you are being guided to that next perfect step!

Sending love and light to you all!


If you feel that you need support in taking the next step forward in your spiritual journey, I would love to work with you in a private session or Coaching or have you be a part of the Spiritual Study Group. If you have any questions about how I can support you on your spiritual journey, you can learn more about Private Sessions, Tools for Transformations Study GroupMessage of the Day Membership1:1 Coaching on my website or email any questions!

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