Full Moon in Pisces

Sep 17, 2024

Today is the Full Moon in Pisces. I have been feeling this energy for a few days and have been pretty tuned in to "energy". I have been thinking about things that I've been holding on to for years - things I need to forgive myself or others for, which makes sense as the full moon in Pisces is about forgiveness. 

As the full moon is about releasing things so you have more capacity - it is the perfect time to think about situations that may have lingered for far too long and once and for all do the work to release the energy, shame and blame around the situation!

One practice that I love working with on forgiveness is the Ho'oponopono practice. It is a Hawaiian meditation that you can use to bring forgiveness to yourself and others.

To work with this meditation you sit and get grounded through breathing or gratitude and begin to think of the situation that you want to bring forgiveness around - then state the following phrases:

I'm Sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
I love you

Say these phrases until you begin to feel a shift. You can also add "All is released to the Universe where all things end and all things begin."

You can work with this mantra/meditation for a week and do it several times a day. 

There is also chant that you can do: "Om Namo Narayani'  which means "I Surrender To The Divine"! Through this chant we are telling theUniverse that we are releasing
control of the how, what, where and when of what we are working for and trusting that we are being supported and led towards what is best for our highest good.

If you would like to work with an Archangel, Jeremiel is the Archangel of Forgiveness who helps you look back with compassion instead of shame, blame and guilt! You can ask Jeremiel to help you look back at situations in order to move beyond the hold that they have had on you up to this point!

If you would like to work with someone to help you move past or release situations that you feel are holding you back, I would love to work with you in a private session. You can learn more at https://www.robbikearns.com/sessions

Sending love and light to you all!


If you feel that you need support in taking the next step forward in your spiritual journey, I would love to work with you in a private session or Coaching or have you be a part of the Spiritual Study Group. If you have any questions about how I can support you on your spiritual journey, you can learn more about Private Sessions, Tools for Transformations Study GroupMessage of the Day Membership1:1 Coaching on my website or email any questions!

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