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Robbi Kearns: Hey, everybody! It's Robbie and Nicole here.
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Nicole Schoen: Hello!
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Robbi Kearns: Hi, Nicole! Good morning. We wanted just to come on and record a little something for everybody around the New Year and energies that we've been feeling. And you know Nicole and I started chatting, as we always do, and getting into. I was like, let's start recording. Come on, let's go. So hi, Nicole! Happy New Year! Happy! 2025 to you.
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Nicole Schoen: Yes, you too happy! New Year!
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Robbi Kearns: I know we're a couple of weeks in, but it just feels it still feels like we're getting settled and getting messages and guidance about how to move into the year. And I know you had an experience yesterday. You were just sharing with me, and it was so in line with the angels that we've been getting coming through. You know, in group and stuff in our spiritual study group.
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Robbi Kearns: And so you know, you wanna share a little bit about that.
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Nicole Schoen: Yeah. Yeah. And first, st I just want to say, just as I'm thinking about it, because I know you know, I started the year off, and my family, a lot of us were sick, and you're hearing a lot about that. A lot of people that are sick at this time, and and I don't want anyone to think that's like, Oh, this is what 2025 is going to be, you know. Here we are starting it out. I really do feel like it's
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Nicole Schoen: a release of the old. It's just pulling up some old junk and crud and things that just need to be, you know, have an opportunity to be released, and maybe start the year a little slower than than we would have, you know. Get that little break. So I just want to leave that there. At least, that's how I'm taking it.
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Robbi Kearns: That message? Yeah.
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Nicole Schoen: Yeah, so so yeah, the year started a little bit slower, but the messages have been super clear.
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Nicole Schoen: I was just saying that I was doing a little it was an intuitive exercise I did with my girlfriend, where we were doing a vision board for the New Year, and you, you intuitively take different, like magazines or pictures that that you are drawn to and put them in different places. And and eventually there's this message that unveils itself right. And I was. I was feeling really frustrated with it. Only because
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Nicole Schoen: one. I think I'm a perfectionist. 2. I'm super in my head all the time. So I'm like, this isn't pretty. This isn't right. I'm doing it wrong, you know, and what I was sharing with you is, I think this is the message that came through. I think it's the theme of the year. I know it is for me, but I feel like it is for a lot of us.
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Nicole Schoen: I think there's a time where we're in our lives, and we're just all busy, right? We're just trying to make it where we've got kids in daycare. And you're working. You know, you're sometimes multiple jobs and balancing your family.
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Nicole Schoen: And there's just no time for anything else.
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Nicole Schoen: And then hopefully, we get to a place where we start to slow down, and we start to go within and connect with our spirit partners. For us and for me, especially the angels, have come. But there's so many different guides around us in the, you know, invisible world, and you start to feel just, you know a different clarity, a different sense of home and calm and peace. And it's wonderful
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Nicole Schoen: but what I'm realizing the final piece, what I think it is is.
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Nicole Schoen: we're still going outside of ourselves to get answers for things. I am so confident when I am speaking with the angels and receiving medicine, you know.
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Nicole Schoen: I was gonna say medicine from them, because yeah, great.
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Nicole Schoen: But the messages and when I'm sharing something that's come through so clear. But if you ask me.
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Nicole Schoen: You know, Nicole, are you drawn to the red one or the blue one? I am going to be in my head? I'm not just. I'm just not that person. And there are a lot of people that are that are going to be like red. It's red, it's glowing, you know, and I'm going to say I like the red, but I really like the blue. I just don't, you know, and I just I'm realizing I don't always trust myself, and I don't always trust my heart.
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Nicole Schoen: and that's been a big epiphany for me. That's been sort of unfolding over the last few months, but also something I didn't necessarily know what to do with. You know you see it now, how do I heal it? And I think part of what coming through the other day for me in this is, don't run to others, for it's great to check in with others and get assistance when we need it. But go within first.st Don't Google something first? st Right?
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Nicole Schoen: You know, what does this mean for me? And and just
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Nicole Schoen: finding time to really listen and just start. Maybe I don't know. Maybe, you know, making choices here and there, and just saying I am working on focusing on my intuition and trusting my own gut. That isn't divinely inspired. That's just coming from me.
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Nicole Schoen: you know. Yeah, that's good.
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Robbi Kearns: I mean it.
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Robbi Kearns: It plays into everything we've been, you know, the energies we picked up of the Archangels coming in to help us moving into the New Year were Hani L. And Gabriel and you know Hani L. Is helping us reconnect with our intuition, and trusting our intuition and the insights that we receive. It's not going outside for the answers it's and
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Robbi Kearns: that can be very emotional. You know. Honey has associated with the moon, and the moon goes through cycles, and there's that the the phases where we have the clarity, and we're sending out our prayers and wishes to, to, you know, out into the universe
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Robbi Kearns: knowing that they're trusting they're gonna be received. And then we a week later, we're questioning. Is this the right thing for me? Am I am I on the right path? Is it anything happening? And then the next week we're releasing with the full moon, you know, we're releasing those fears and doubts, and then we go back into the 3rd quarter moon, where we're back in that kind of questioning mind and resetting our goals so we can then move into the new moon.
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Robbi Kearns: So we go through these cycles of questioning and and and
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Robbi Kearns: trying to clarify, trying to release the fear and doubt, but really, ultimately having to trust ourselves through that process. So you know
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Robbi Kearns: I love that and the Gabriel's there to help create
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Robbi Kearns: help us bring those creations into the universe, and and to give birth to our dreams and ideas and reality.
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Robbi Kearns: And as you know, and the group who people who are part of either the the message of the day or or spiritual study group know they received the email yesterday of Archangel Raziel. He kind of encapsulates all of this, you know he's the hermit and the magician. But 1st we have to go within, gain clarity.
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Robbi Kearns: not not seek outside counsel, and by doing that you're going inside for the answers. But also you have people coming to you, looking to you for guidance.
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Robbi Kearns: Because your light is shining brighter outward because you're going inside first, st and then we have the magician aspect of him which is all about creation and the alchemy and the magic of of bringing those things into reality. But 1st you have to have you have to go with within.
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Robbi Kearns: So it's interesting, you know.
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Nicole Schoen: Absolutely and and also with Hanaya right, the just, her being associated with the moon in those phases like you said and I. The moon controls the tides.
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Nicole Schoen: you know, if that tides the water, the ocean is a motion. It's not like you say we go like you were saying. We go within the cycles to the questioning and the different parts. But what we're really doing is fighting against the tide, and I think this is a year to go in the flow, releasing the old. There's some old programming. I was just listening to Kyle Gray. Speak about this. I think he said it beautifully.
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Nicole Schoen: That for a lot of especially the lightworkers, we we're all empathetic. So we think we have to go at it alone.
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Nicole Schoen: right? We just we don't want to bother anyone with our stuff. So we're just we think we have to figure it out. We have to understand. And that's something that came through recently, but through the angels also that stop trying to understand it all. The why, the how, the what's next? It's like going with that flow, embracing all the emotion, you know, trusting in the intuition. And and yeah, ultimately.
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Nicole Schoen: you know like you, said Raza, like the magic. That's where the magic is. It's all in in the flow of it, you know. So.
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Robbi Kearns: Yeah, I just I I think that this. It's.
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Robbi Kearns: you know, we talk a lot about angel teams. And I think that Aniel and Gabriel, are this beautiful team? Go within. Trust your intuition, and then we're going to create. But then, with Raziel coming in, it's this deeper.
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Robbi Kearns: So yeah, it's just it's this really cool combo of the Archangels and
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Nicole Schoen: It's such a great balance, I mean Hanaya, like that intuition and going in, and the emotion. And like you, said Gabriel, I mean helping us stand in our truth in our I mean, I know authenticity is used, you know, overused. Maybe now we hear it so much, but it's so true, just to stand in who you are, you know.
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Nicole Schoen: and and having the courage to do that, and and kind of paving the way forward, you know, to take the action. So it's not just. Oh, we have the insight. We can take the action, and Razael is just magic for me when Razael is here. We're all moving to another level. There's just we are all at pub leveling.
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Robbi Kearns: Yeah. And that's what this year is about really, truly is about for us to not let. And
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Robbi Kearns: sorry I'm gonna take a little step back.
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Robbi Kearns: You said earlier about not seeking others counsel. And you know, first, st
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Robbi Kearns: this is a time for us to create what we want to create. It's not about what others might want us to, or having their influence in it. I know I'm working on a big project right now, and I've asked you to to kind of review things as we go along, and you've given wonderful feedback. But other people have seen it and have given feedback. I'm like, Nope.
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Robbi Kearns: Nope. I didn't ask. I I appreciate it, but I didn't ask, and I don't necessarily want it, you know, because it's not from the same vibrational level of what I'm trying to create.
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Nicole Schoen: Yeah, and also just even getting feedback from me or anyone else that you, we are on that sea level just to still be able to say, Oh, I see where you're going. But no, this is still where I want to be right.
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Robbi Kearns: Exactly.
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Nicole Schoen: Always following that compass, design.
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Robbi Kearns: Yeah. But but it's it's really find making sure that if you are seeking feedback from somebody that they're in the same kind of zone or vibrational level as you, instead of somebody who's way far outside of it. I think that's that's gonna be important keynote for this year is making sure that you're surrounding yourself with people who are in
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Robbi Kearns: on the same journey in a way and and truly seeking that clarity within themselves, and and
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Robbi Kearns: finding people who can support you in doing that.
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Robbi Kearns: And that's why I love our group, you know, or the Spiritual Study group is that people do that. You know, we're we're there for each other. So if you're interested in learning about the Spiritual Study group, you can go to the website robbikearns.com and look under memberships.
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Robbi Kearns: there's various levels. We also have the free community that you can join under the community page and we share special post there that we don't put on social media. I'm gonna start moving more and more stuff within the community and less and less on social media in the next in the coming months. I don't wanna abandon social media, but there's just I just feel like there can be a more intimate connection within.
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Nicole Schoen: Yeah.
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Robbi Kearns: Within the community, and and people can connect a little, you know, and a little more privacy there. So
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Nicole Schoen: Yeah, it feels like such a safe group. It really does a place where you can. You can be vulnerable. And you just you just feel so held by all the beautiful souls in it. You know a place to grow together for all of us, you and I included right. They just.
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Robbi Kearns: Anyway.
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Nicole Schoen: So beautiful.
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Robbi Kearns: Absolutely. So you can go to https://www.robbikearns.com/community to join that. It's free, or you can make a donation if you choose to. But it's a free resource that we just want, and we share
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Robbi Kearns: special messages there discounts for for the different things that we're doing. If if there's discounts available readings and things like that and and so we'd love to have you join us there.
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Robbi Kearns: But yeah, I I just think that it's it's been a very interesting start to the year.
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Robbi Kearns: trust yourself. Trust your inner guidance. That's that inner compass is what's going to lead you to your joy. And that's what this year is about is leaving behind all the things that we, all the obligations, all of those things that we feel like we have to do that don't allow us to have capacity to do the things that we that bring us joy
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Robbi Kearns: and finding more of a balance. You know I keep getting the 2 of Earth card and almost every reading I do. It's just like we're out of balance. We don't have time or energy to to do the things that bring us joy. And that's where we need to leave that behind. We need to find ways to
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Robbi Kearns: have the time to do the things that that bring us joy, because
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Robbi Kearns: that might seem selfish. But it's not. If you're not happy, you're no one else. You're not going to be able to give joy to others. So
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Robbi Kearns: yeah, I hope that we can all find ways to continue to to gain clarity about what it is that that we want to do. Trust that guidance, trust that intuition, and then start creating. You know it's not.
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Robbi Kearns: I don't feel like it's far off. The creation. Part's not far off.
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Nicole Schoen: Now it's part of it, right? It's almost happening simultaneously. It's like
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Nicole Schoen: beautiful, it really is. And for so many of us, I think, you know, there's so many people who don't really even know what brings them joy. So it's that discovery, and don't think of it as work and like, oh, no! I need to figure this out, and in frustration do it with a sense of wonder and a sense of
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Nicole Schoen: fun in it, like, what? What would this look like? And what would that look like, you know? Don't write a bucket list or a list of things that I need to accomplish? What's the what's on your joy list like? What do you think would be fun and just throw it out there and start to change that vibration, discover it.
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Robbi Kearns: Yeah, absolutely. I I took a little work, free workshop with a guy, Mike Dooley, who's a hay house guy, I think. But, he said. If you don't know what your dream, or your goal, or whatever is
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Robbi Kearns: or what's gonna bring you happiness, just ask the universe to set your GPS to happiness because it knows what's going to bring you joy.
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Robbi Kearns: You might not know, because you haven't allowed joy or happiness to be in your life in so long. So ask the universe to guide you to that. And just like a GPS, you know, it doesn't operate until you start moving.
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Robbi Kearns: So you know. And it's gonna course correct you if you go off. Course, if you if you start going towards something that's not gonna bring you joy. And your focus is
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Robbi Kearns: I want to. I want to bring things into my life that bring me joy. And you ask for that every day. And you, you know, call on your guides and ask for that guidance, to take that next step towards joy and happiness. For you. They're gonna re. They're gonna realign that GPS reset the GPS to get you back on track, but you have to believe you have to trust it, and you have to ask for it and then receive it. Those are. That's our responsibility.
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Robbi Kearns: So.
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Robbi Kearns: And I feel like, you know, we've we've said so often just in our conversations. That the angels are so close right now. You said this to me last week that the angels are just so close, and they they're not just like
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Robbi Kearns: wanting to be out there they want to be in our daily life. I mean, you said it so beautifully the other day to me. So why don't you just share what I mean, if you're do you remember what you.
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Nicole Schoen: I'm not sure I remember. But this is exactly yeah. When it's been coming through over and over again, there's just that they're so close.
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Nicole Schoen: and I think it used to be enough like when I was 1st introduced, or learning, and started studying with and working with angels. It was like, invite them in every morning and every day it resets right? So every morning I have a prayer that I say, and I call them in. It's almost like that's not enough. Not that they're not there, but remember, remember in every moment in a moment that you know
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Nicole Schoen: that you find challenging. You know that this is when it's like, Okay, angels help me. I'm not. I don't have to do it in alone alone, and if you're in a happy moment acknowledge the angels. Then, wow! This is a really happy moment. Thank you. You know, angels, I'm just gonna mark this moment that and recognize it right here. But they want to be a part of our lives. They're really close. They want to help us all throughout our day. Not just the big things. All the things. Yeah.
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Robbi Kearns: Absolutely. Yeah. When you said that, I was like, Oh, yeah, that feels good.
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Nicole Schoen: Yeah, yeah.
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Robbi Kearns: Every moment be grateful and thankful, and ask for what you need for to support you in that
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Robbi Kearns: in that moment, as
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Robbi Kearns: we're we're here to live joyful, abundant lives, and there's more than enough happiness, and in the world for everyone, and they don't want to see us struggle. But we forget to ask, so ask. It's not a burden. They have more than capacity for everyone.
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Nicole Schoen: You're we're their purpose. So if we're not asking, and we're not allowing them in with the free will that we have like. They don't have purpose. They want to. They're waiting right? So. And they love us all so much. So it's just yeah.
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Nicole Schoen: They want.
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Robbi Kearns: So as today is the full moon, I think what I just gotta hit that they want us to release that thought, that we're a bird that that they're, that they're not accessible, or that we're not worthy, or whatever is going on in our crazy little minds that keeps that separation or keeps us from asking for love and support. So just take a moment to
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Robbi Kearns: allow yourself to ask for guidance, to call on your angels for everything. It doesn't matter how silly it is, or how tiny it is. You step your toe. Help me feel better, Raphael, take this pain away, you know.
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Robbi Kearns: whatever it is, you know, big or small, call them in to be with you. And you're going to start feeling differently. You're gonna the energy around. You will be different. You're gonna your your mood and your thoughts will be uplifted, you know. That's the Joe fiel energy. So you know, just call in the angels for whatever you need, they're around there. They want to to help. They want to be with you.
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Robbi Kearns: And if it's not angels, your guides, your spirit partners, whoever whoever it is that resonates with you the ascended masters. You know your ancestors. They're all around. They want to be.
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Nicole Schoen: The elementals. There's so many different, right? So it's what. And and you can have a number of all of them on your team, right. So it's just I'm calling in my guides. You know my divine guidance team, who loves me unconditionally, wants to help me on my path to joy. You know.
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Robbi Kearns: Absolutely.
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Nicole Schoen: They're there. You don't need to know them by name, so.
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Robbi Kearns: Absolutely. And this kind of goes right into our retreat that we're doing in April of 2025, in Woodstock, New York, Nicole and I are going to be leading another retreat. We did one in what? 2023, I think.
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Nicole Schoen: 3. I think, yeah, yeah, I think.
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Robbi Kearns: 2023 can't believe it's been that long. And we're our focus is living a consciously connected life. But one of the things we really want to work with is creating your own spirit team and how to do that and seeing what is it I need support in right now, and giving you the tools to put that together on your own. So we hope that you'll consider joining us. There's information on the website about that under on the events page.
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Robbi Kearns: and that right now. We haven't completed all of the sign ups and everything. But we will. We will be doing that shortly and then. But if you sign up to be notified about the retreat, we will send you an email when everything is ready. So. But thank you, Nicole, for this wonderful conversation. I appreciate you so much, and and.
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Nicole Schoen: Feel the same?
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Nicole Schoen: Yeah.
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Robbi Kearns: And everybody out there. We're sending lots of love and light your way, and just wanted to
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Robbi Kearns: come on and share a little bit of insights about what we've been talking about. I'm I'm I'm blessed that I have, Nicole, that I can have these conversations with. Hey, Nicole! I need to chat, or Hey, Nicole, what are you feeling? You know? And and so it's lovely to have this partner who I can have this this relationship with, and and then share it with y'all, and that's the beauty of it is, you know we're here to support you in your journey and we hope that you will.
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Robbi Kearns: We'll if you have any questions or anything, reach out, and we'll more than happy to help.
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Nicole Schoen: Yeah.
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Robbi Kearns: All right. Everybody take care!
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Nicole Schoen: Bye.