Are you ready to live a consciously connected life?

Guidance from Gratitude was started by Robbi Kearns to build a community for people looking to explore spirituality and begin or continue their journey of personal growth.

Through this Community we are building, we have the opportunity to learn how to build and strengthen the relationships with our Spirit Partners and develop a spiritual practice so we feel supported to navigate whatever it is we are facing and see the success of our personal growth.

Learn more below about our offerings which include:

About Robbi

Explore Our Memberships!

Message of the Day Membership

When you join the Message of the Day Membership you will receive a daily message from Spirit delivered to your Inbox! You also receive a monthly forecast and discounts on private sessions! Choose your own level of support (from $10-30 a month).

Join Now

Tools for Transformations Group

Are you looking to embark or continue on your spiritual journey while being supported by a loving, supportive community? If so, I hope you will consider joining our Tools for Transformations Group! Through monthly gatherings, the Message of the Day email and private online Community, you will gain tools to live life with a bit more ease and grace.

Learn More

Spiritual Coaching

My Spiritual Coaching Series is for people that are ready to jumpstart the transformation in their personal and spiritual lives! I also work with new practitioners to step into service and begin their spiritual practices. As a Coaching Client you also receive the Message of the Day and membership in the Spiritual Study Group!

Learn More


We have excited to announce we have launched the Guidance from Gratitude Community to share daily insights with you and allow us to build a deeper community for people on their spiritual journey! The Guidance From Gratitude Community is a free resource that is open to anyone that registers. We will share the Card of the Day and have many other benefits - so learn more in the video or click here to join the Community!


Client Testimonials

Click to read all Testimonials

"Robbi has helped me learn how to safely open my intuitive and empathic energy safely. Through his guidance with grounding exercises, I have gone from being completely closed up to being able to recognize intuitive cues and starting to use my energy to do good in the world. 
If you are ready to start your journey to being a better person, to have better energy, to open up to God's light, I highly recommend coaching sessions with Robbi.  He provides a safe space to help you heal and move forward."

-Ann, Tools for Transformations Client
"Robbi is a very personable, warm soul that guides you along your session on a clear, concise path. He listens to your situation while providing guidance on ways forward. Robbi's energy is engaging to the client, and gives comfort to those who seek answers.
Go into the session with the knowledge that only you hold the keys to your future, but that gratitude to the energy around you is a bountiful resource. With all that said, I highly recommend his readings to anyone interested."
I scheduled a reading with Robbi and was thrilled he picked up on the exact theme of my intentions right now, which is the theme “let go of the old, make room for the new”. Something very difficult for me.
The reading really helped and even taught me meaningful ways to start this process. I begin and end each day with gratitude and I’m grateful I found this page.
- Greg

Listen to Guidance From Gratitude's Podcast!  

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